Strawberry’s On-site is an on-premise solution for professional post-production facilities that brings together the needs of both the IT infrastructure people and the needs of the creative team. Its enterprise workflow engine implements structure across the whole of the post-production process, with deep-rooted integration into many NLE and other creative applications allowing users to work more efficiently while saving the IT team time, stress and money.

Enterprise platform for creatives in post-production

Seamless use of storage tiers & infrastructure

Integration into NLE’s including Avid and Adobe

Enforces storage rules from ingest to archive

Project driven approach to storage & collaboration

Production Asset Management for instant search and retrieve

Remote working and external stakeholder approval

Review & approval workflows across multi-sites


IT storage infrastructure does not operate at an editorial project level, but at a drive or volume level. Creatives work at a project level, which often needs to span a range of storage devices whether it be direct-attached storage, shared storage, cloud, or archive. Strawberry facilitates a project approach and hides the complexity of the storage infrastructure underneath.  This ensures the creative team has a seamless interface to their assets and ensures they are all working on the same media files for assigned projects. This project-driven structure allows the creative team to collaborate more effectively and ensures efficient use of storage resources. Project-driven templates guarantee consistency of project workflows, eliminating guesswork while providing a unified and secure structure for editors, designers, producers, freelancers, and external stakeholders.

01 1 search


Strawberry's asset management capabilities enable the addition of metadata at any stage of the project, ensuring media files are always retrievable and reusable. The On-site version of Strawberry provides contextual search capabilities, allowing users to search for media files stored on any platform within the facility, including online, nearline, cloud, and archive (LTO) platforms. The search results are instantaneous, allowing users to preview and scrub proxies immediately.

01 2 nle


Strawberry is an efficient workflow solution for creative professionals and is deeply integrated with various creative tools and NLEs such as Avid, Adobe, and Apple FC. It features an Adobe panel for searching content and supports Avid bin locking to work with a variety of non-Avid storage options.

01 3 storage


cause media files are large, post-production storage platforms can easily become overwhelmed. Nearline and archive storage options that are lower cost can be used as a solution, but the files should be managed at a project level and be easily reutilizable. Strawberry On-site can archive files to the most suitable storage tier, but authorized users can also quickly relocate files back to their editing environment.

01 4 deduplication


It is normal for creative users to reutilize media or make multiple copies of media in different environments for different projects. This has the effect of wasting storage by storing the file multiple times. De-duplication will replace the second and subsequent copy with a hard-link with no effect on the user, freeing up valuable storage space.

02 3 unified archival


Once a project is finished, then it is necessary to move the project files and all its associated media files to the most cost-effective archive platform. By managing everything as a project, Strawberry makes archiving projects a very simple administrative task as a one-click process, with quick search and scrub functionality for users to reutilize exactly what they need in terms of files and clips.

01 6 ingest


Strawberry has an “intelligent ingest feature” that solves the issue of rushes management. It is possible to ingest rushes into a watch folder and Strawberry tracks which files have been used by the editors. At the end of the project, the rushes ingest folder can be safely deleted, and Strawberry will automatically retain the files that have been used.