Time-Saving Strategies for a More Efficient, and Relaxed, Summer

Time-Saving Strategies

for a More Efficient, and Relaxed, Summer

by Bea Alonso, Marketing Lead, Projective

As the summer heat intensifies, many of us would prefer to be lounging on a beach rather than dealing with manual, inefficient processes that prevent us from delivering the final cut. Instead, we’re tethered to our desks… waiting for uploads, downloads, reviews, or wondering why my media is offline. Waiting sucks anytime but it really sucks when it’s keeping you from a beach, picnic, or biergarten.

Wouldn’t it be great if you and your team could complete your post-production work in half the time, not only giving you back some personal bandwidth but also significantly reducing operational delays and unwarranted costs?

Fortunately, there’s a solution that can help creative teams streamline their post-production operations —by leveraging cloud-based technology.

Strawberry Skies is designed to eliminate all of the unnecessary steps endemic to post-production work. Every copy, upload, download, question, answer, and manual process is waste. Skies provides a coherent project structure so that you can eliminate waste and unpredictability and jumpstart your production.  

Skies Are No Limit

Take a moment to reflect on your day-to-day workflow. Consider all of those manual steps and think of how much time you and your team are wasting just through waiting and asking. With Strawberry Skies, our goal was to empower our customers to eliminate all the waiting, searching, and checking.

By automating the structure of editing projects, every aspect of the post-production workflow is simplified. Ingesting, editing, QA, transcoding, review and approval, content security, and archival/retrieval are all made easier. Easier means faster, and faster means more time for the beach.

Here are just some of the advantages that Strawberry Skies introduces:

  • Fully Cloud-Hosted: No need for ongoing hardware investment or maintenance, reducing both costs and delays in your production process.
  • Efficiency: Automate manual and repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time to focus on creative and strategic work.
  • Scalable: Easily adjust your storage and computing power based on current business demands, eliminating the need for constant hardware upgrades.
  • Global Access: Work from anywhere, enabling teams across different geographies to collaborate seamlessly, reducing travel requirements and associated costs.

Strawberry’s project structure enables creative teams to eliminate time-consuming manual tasks such as setting up post-production workflows, waiting for administrative processes, and managing separate storage locations. These operational efficiencies result in considerable cost and time savings and more time away from screens!

Time to Rethink Your Daily Workflows

As the summer heats up, there’s no better time to rethink the way your business operates. With cloud-hosted Strawberry Skies, you can increase efficiency and make significant time and cost savings. Plus, with less time spent on manual processes and system administration, your creative and IT support teams will have more time to enjoy their summer.

Ready to move beyond physical limits to a more streamlined and cost-efficient future? Contact us to discuss how Strawberry Skies can help you achieve significant cost and time savings.

Ready to move beyond physical limits to a more streamlined and cost-efficient future?

Contact us to discuss how Strawberry Skies can help you achieve significant cost and time savings.