Strawberry 6.4.30 public API documentation

This is a reference documentation for the Strawberry public REST API.

The easiest way to get the exact format of request and example responses of API calls is to use the developer tools of the browser when accessing the web frontend.

The development tools are build into Chrome, Firefox and every other major browser. The Strawberry Client can be started with a QTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING environment variable which then makes the development tool of the Client’s browser available at the provided port:

QTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING=8002 /Applications/Strawberry exposes the development tools at localhost:8002.

A a POST request creating a new session and the generated response will look like this in the Chrome DevTools:


Some of the API requests need to include custom HTTP headers. Custom headers are always handled by Strawberry Client, but are not sent by standard browsers. As a result, some API calls will NOT work unless desired headers are provided and such behaviour is appropriate.

The fact that a function depends on a custom HTTP header is clearly indicated in its description.

Custom HTTP headers used in this API:

  • X-PAM-CLIENT - if present, it means that Strawberry Client (not a browser) is connecting to the application.

  • X-PAM-EDIT - contains the edit name.

  • X-PAM-UIDGIDS - contains uid and gid of a user which is represented by the edit name.


Almost every request requires to be authenticated as a user. The recommended way to authenticate requests is to use API keys. Every user can have multiple API keys configured in ACCESS -> MANAGE USERS section in the Strawberry admin panel.

When sending request to the API provide a API key in the Authorization HTTP header:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Your API key>' http://server/api/v1/session.json

The previously documented auth_token based authorization still works but is not recommended anymore.


Access rights

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/access_rights List of access rights for the given Asset.
DELETE /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/access_rights/:id Delete the access right.

Api keys

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/api_keys Return the users API keys.
POST /api/v1/users/:user_id/api_keys Create a new API key.
DELETE /api/v1/user/:user_id/api_keys/:id Delete the API key.

Archive strategies

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/archive_strategies Display a list of all archive strategies.
GET /api/v1/archive_strategies/:id Display an archive strategy.
POST /api/v1/archive_strategies Create a new archive strategy.
PUT /api/v1/archive_strategies/:id Update an archive strategy.
GET /api/v1/archive_strategies/configuration Get list of possible third party archive configurations.

Asset attributes

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/galleries/:id/teams Display all teams and their access rights in regards to a gallery.
GET /api/v1/galleries/:id/effective_access_rights Show all users mapped to the teams that give them access rights to a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/teams Update access rights of a team to a gallery.
DELETE /api/v1/galleries/:id/teams/:team_id Remove access rights of a team to a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/update_teams Bulk update access rights for a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/update_teams/:team_id Bulk update access rights for a galleries for a specific team id.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:gallery_id/asset_attributes/bulk_update Bulk update Gallery Asset attributes.

Asset copy to strategies

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/asset_copy_to_strategies Display a list of all "asset copy to" strategies.
GET /api/v1/asset_copy_to_strategies/:id Display an "asset copy to" strategy.
POST /api/v1/asset_copy_to_strategies Create a new "asset copy to" strategy.
PUT /api/v1/asset_copy_to_strategies/:id Update an "asset copy to" strategy.
DELETE /api/v1/asset_copy_to_strategies/:id Delete a asset copy to strategy.


Resource Description
PUT /api/v1/assets/:id/update_metadata Update metadata of a assets.
GET /api/v1/assets/:id/custom_metadata Display metadata of a assets.
GET /api/v1/assets/:id Display an asset.
PUT /api/v1/assets/:id Update an asset.
PUT /api/v1/assets/:id/prepare_download_highres Initiate asset download, pass the given state id to download_highres after the AssetState finished successfully.
GET /api/v1/assets/:id/download_highres Download an asset in original resolution as a zip file. Must be given a state_id returned from prepare_download_highres.
PUT /api/v1/assets/:id/prepare_download_editing_proxy Initiate editing proxy download, pass the given state id to download_editing_proxy after the AssetState finished successfully.
GET /api/v1/assets/:id/download_editing_proxy Download the editing proxy of an asset. Must be given a state_id returned from prepare_download_editing_proxy.
GET /api/v1/assets/:id/download_lowres Download an asset in low resolution as an mp4 file.
GET /api/v1/assets/:id/download_xls Download an XLS as a summary of all marker descriptions.
GET /api/v1/assets/:id/download_avid_xml Download marker descriptions in the Avid Marker XML format.
POST /api/v1/assets/:id/reencode Reencode (create a new proxy) an asset.
PUT /api/v1/assets/annotations_to_pdf Create a PDF file with assets annotations
GET /api/v1/assets/links Get assets sharing a file (by inode) with the given assets.
DELETE /api/v1/assets/:id/delete_description Delete a description from the history.
GET /api/v1/assets/by_path Return asset ids matching the given path
PUT /api/v1/assets/:id/share_via_email Share the asset with a user via an email address
PUT /api/v1/assets/:id/copy_to Copy an asset using a copying strategy to a desired storage. Returns the current state of the copying process.
PUT /api/v1/assets/copy_folder_to Copy a folder using a copying strategy to a desired storage. Returns the current state of the copying process.
DELETE /api/v1/assets/destroy Remove assets or folders from the storage and the database.
POST /api/v1/assets/:id/generate_sequence_report Triggers the generation of a HKG or GEMA report.
POST /api/v1/assets/bulk_update_custom_metadata Bulk update custom metadata of assets.
PUT /api/v1/assets/:id/premiere_project_sequence_names Get the sequences names present in the given Premiere project.
PUT /api/v1/assets/:id/premiere_project_download_summary Get information about supported assets and their sizes for the download of a Premiere project
GET /api/v1/assets/:id/access_right_type Get information of the access right the current user has for the asset.


Resource Description
PUT /api/v1/backup Create a new backup of the database now.

Backup strategies

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/backup_strategies Display a list of all backup strategies.
GET /api/v1/backup_strategies/:id Display a backup strategy.
POST /api/v1/backup_strategies Create a new backup strategy.
PUT /api/v1/backup_strategies/:id Update a backup strategy.

Custom metadata

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/custom_metadata/new Returns a valid new metadatum value or validates passed in value for generator fields.
POST /api/v1/custom_metadata Create a new metadatum value.
PUT /api/v1/custom_metadata/:id Update a metadatum.
DELETE /api/v1/custom_metadata/:id Delete a metadatum.

Custom metadata fields

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/custom_metadata_fields Display a list of custom metadata fields.
GET /api/v1/custom_metadata_fields/:id Display a custom metadata field.
POST /api/v1/custom_metadata_fields Create a new custom metadata field.
PUT /api/v1/custom_metadata_fields/:id Update a custom metadata field.
DELETE /api/v1/custom_metadata_fields/:id Delete a custom metadata field.
PUT /api/v1/custom_metadata_fields/:id/copy Copy the custom metadata field to an other metadata set
GET /api/v1/custom_metadata_fields/:id/in_use Checks if the metadata field is used by any asset or project

Custom metadata sets

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/custom_metadata_sets Display a list of custom metadata sets.
GET /api/v1/custom_metadata_sets/:id Display a custom metadata set.
POST /api/v1/custom_metadata_sets Create a new custom metadata set.
PUT /api/v1/custom_metadata_sets/:id Update a custom metadata set.
DELETE /api/v1/custom_metadata_sets/:id Delete a custom metadata set.
GET /api/v1/custom_metadata_sets/:id/in_use Checks if the metadata set is used by any asset or project


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/deduplication_report

Default backgrounds

Resource Description
POST /api/v1/default_background Upload a new default background.
DELETE /api/v1/default_background Reset the background to the original default.

Default gallery backgrounds

Resource Description
POST /api/v1/default_gallery_background Upload a new default wallpaper for Galleries.
DELETE /api/v1/default_gallery_background Reset the Gallery wallpaper to the original default.


Resource Description
PUT /api/v1/edit/clear Clear the edit.
GET /api/v1/edit/status Display status of the current edit.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/edits Display a list of all registered edits with an SMB password.
POST /api/v1/edits Create a new edit
PUT /api/v1/edits/:id Update an edit. Updating [:edit][:name] and [:edit][:password] is not allowed.
DELETE /api/v1/edits/:id Delete an edit.
PUT /api/v1/edits/:id/unlock Unlocks an edit by closing all their projects, clearing it and ensuring the edits job status is reset.

Encoding priorities

Resource Description
POST /api/v1/projects/encoding_priority Bulk set encoding_priority for projects/libraries.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/features Display a list of plugins and their activation statuses.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/status/:id Gets status of job specified by id.
GET /api/v1/asset_status/:id Gets status of add single files job specified by id.
GET /api/v1/copy_to_status/:id Gets the status of a copy to job specified by id.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/galleries/:id/teams Display all teams and their access rights in regards to a gallery.
GET /api/v1/galleries/:id/effective_access_rights Show all users mapped to the teams that give them access rights to a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/teams Update access rights of a team to a gallery.
DELETE /api/v1/galleries/:id/teams/:team_id Remove access rights of a team to a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/update_teams Bulk update access rights for a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/update_teams/:team_id Bulk update access rights for a galleries for a specific team id.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/update_metadata Update metadata of a galleries.
GET /api/v1/galleries/:id/custom_metadata Display metadata of a galleries.
GET /api/v1/galleries Get a list of gallery names.
GET /api/v1/galleries/:id Display a gallery.
GET /api/v1/galleries/:id/assets Display all assets related to the gallery.
POST /api/v1/galleries Create a new gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id Update a gallery.
DELETE /api/v1/galleries/:id Delete a gallery.
POST /api/v1/galleries/:id/addassets Add assets to a gallery.
POST /api/v1/galleries/:id/inject_uploads Inject uploaded files into a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/share_via_email Share the gallery with a user via email
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/create_folder Create a new folder in the Gallery
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/move_contents Move contents of the Gallery between folders
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/rename_folder Rename a folder of a Gallery
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/rename_asset Rename an asset of a Gallery

Gallery style presets

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/gallery_style_presets Display a list of all gallery style presets.
POST /api/v1/gallery_style_presets Create a new gallery style preset.
PUT /api/v1/gallery_style_presets/:id Update a gallery style preset.
DELETE /api/v1/gallery_style_presets/:id Delete a gallery style preset.

Instance subscriptions

Resource Description
POST /api/v1/instance_subscription Subscribe to the specified instance.
PUT /api/v1/instance_settings Unsubscribe from the specified instance.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/integrations/validate_slack_username Checks if the given username exists in the configured slack organization

Library ingests

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/library_ingests Display a list of all Library Ingests.
POST /api/v1/library_ingests Create a new Library Ingest.
PUT /api/v1/library_ingests/:id Display a library ingest.
DELETE /api/v1/library_ingests/:id Delete a library ingest.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/license Display details about the software license.
POST /api/v1/license Create a new license and restart the application. In case of an invalid license, the old license remains.


Resource Description
POST /api/v1/logo Upload a new default logo.
DELETE /api/v1/logo Reset the logo to the original default.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/machine_id Display the ID of the server machine.

Marker descriptions

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/marker_descriptions Display all of the assets marker descriptions.
POST /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/marker_descriptions Create a new marker description.
PUT /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/marker_descriptions/:id Update a marker description.
DELETE /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/marker_descriptions/:id Delete a marker description.
PUT /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/marker_descriptions/bulk_update Bulk update marker description GUIDs from Premiere.
GET /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/marker_descriptions/:id/username Attempts to guess the username of the marker descriptions creator
PUT /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/marker_descriptions/:id/push_to_pam Push marker description and replies back to the PAM asset.

Notification settings

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/notification_settings Display the list of notification settings for the current user.
PUT /api/v1/notification_settings Update a notification setting.
GET /api/v1/notification_settings/defaults Get the global notification setting defaults.
PUT /api/v1/notification_settings/defaults Update the global notification setting defaults.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/notifications Display the list of notifications for the current user.
GET /api/v1/notifications/<id> Returns the user notification..
POST /api/v1/notifications/<id>/toggle_read Toggle the read status of the notification.
POST /api/v1/notification/mark_all_read Mark all notifications as read.

Preditor sequences

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id/teams Display all teams and their access rights in regards to a preditor_sequence.
GET /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id/effective_access_rights Show all users mapped to the teams that give them access rights to a preditor_sequence.
PUT /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id/teams Update access rights of a team to a preditor_sequence.
DELETE /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id/teams/:team_id Remove access rights of a team to a preditor_sequence.
PUT /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id/update_teams Bulk update access rights for a preditor_sequence.
PUT /api/v1/preditor_sequences/update_teams/:team_id Bulk update access rights for a preditor_sequences for a specific team id.
GET /api/v1/preditor_sequences Display all sequences.
POST /api/v1/preditor_sequences Create a new sequence.
PUT /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id Update a sequence.
DELETE /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id Delete a sequence.
GET /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id/download Download sequence as XML or AAF.
PUT /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id/open Open a sequence in the preditor.
DELETE /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id/close Close a sequence in the preditor.
POST /api/v1/preditor_sequences/:id/addasset Add an asset to a sequence.

Project copy to strategies

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/project_copy_to_strategies Display a list of all "project copy to" strategies.
GET /api/v1/project_copy_to_strategies/:id Display a "project copy to" strategy.
POST /api/v1/project_copy_to_strategies Create a new "project copy to" strategy.
PUT /api/v1/project_copy_to_strategies/:id Update a "project copy to" strategy.
DELETE /api/v1/project_copy_to_strategies/:id Delete a "project copy to strategy".


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/teams Display all teams and their access rights in regards to a project.
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/effective_access_rights Show all users mapped to the teams that give them access rights to a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/teams Update access rights of a team to a project.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id/teams/:team_id Remove access rights of a team to a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/update_teams Bulk update access rights for a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/update_teams/:team_id Bulk update access rights for a projects for a specific team id.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/update_metadata Update metadata of a projects.
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/custom_metadata Display metadata of a projects.
GET /api/v1/projects Display a list of all projects.
GET /api/v1/projects/search Search for projects containing :name substring in their name.
POST /api/v1/projects Create a new project.
POST /api/v1/projects/validate Validate project attributes.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id Update a project.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id Delete a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/open Open a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/sync Save and reload a project. Sync is done in order to bring user's subprojects up to date as well as to update user's project in other projects that uses it.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id/close Close a project.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id/forceclose Force a project to close.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/addsubproject Add a subproject to a project.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id/removesubproject Remove a subproject from a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/addtemplate Add a template to a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/mount Mount a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/mountsubproject MOunts a subproject to a project.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id/umount Umount a project.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id/umountsubproject Umount a subproject from a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/refreshmountedproject Refresh a mounted project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/reindex Reindex project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/rescan Rescan assets with OtherProxy in a project for new metadata.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/repair Rescan all assets in a project for new metadata.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/reencode Reencode all assets in a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/rehash Rehash all files in a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/calculate_size Recalculates the size of the project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/convert_proxy_structure Convert the proxies of the project to the latest structure version
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/reburn_timecode Reburns timecode for all assets in a project.
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/status_flags Display a list of all status flags of a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/status_flags/:status_flag_id Add or delete a status flag to/from a project.
GET /api/v1/projects_report Download .xlsx report of project list.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/freeze Freeze a project.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id/unfreeze Unfreeze a project.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id/delete_description Delete a description from the history.
GET /api/v1/projects/:id Display a project.
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/assets Display all assets related to the project.
POST /api/v1/projects/:id/addassets Add multiple assets to a project
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/count_assets Returns the amount of assets inside the given folder
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/changed_asset_metadata Returns assets which metadata changed since the project was last used.
GET /api/v1/total_project_size Display the total size of all projects in bytes.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/quota Set quota for project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/quota_team/:team_id Set quota team for project.
DELETE /api/v1/projects/:id/quota_team/:team_id Resets quota team for project.
POST /api/v1/projects/:id/importsequence Import Sequence into project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/archive Archive a project using an archiving strategy. Returns the current state of the archiving process.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/unarchive Restore an archived project. Returns the current state of the restoring process.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/move_archive Move a project between archives.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/cancel_archiving Stop archiving/unarchiving of project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/copy_to Copy a project using a copying strategy to a desired storage. Returns the current state of the copying process.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/backup Create a *full* backup using a backup strategy. Returns the state of the backup process.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/clear_archive_errors Clear the archive (error) state of a particular project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/clear_all_archive_errors Clear the archive (error) state of all projects.
POST /api/v1/projects/tier Move project to tiering storage.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/rename Rename a project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/flag_as_project Convert a library project back into a online project.
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/create_folder Create a new folder in the Project
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/move_contents Move contents of the Project between folders
PUT /api/v1/projects/:id/rename_folder Rename a folder of a Project
POST /api/v1/projects/:id/inject_uploads Inject uploaded files into Project.
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/editing_proxy_summary Gather information about editing proxies for assets in a folder
GET /api/v1/projects/:id/skies_checkout_summary Information about editing proxies and highres edits available for Skies checkout.

Review request

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/galleries/:id/teams Display all teams and their access rights in regards to a gallery.
GET /api/v1/galleries/:id/effective_access_rights Show all users mapped to the teams that give them access rights to a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/teams Update access rights of a team to a gallery.
DELETE /api/v1/galleries/:id/teams/:team_id Remove access rights of a team to a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/:id/update_teams Bulk update access rights for a gallery.
PUT /api/v1/galleries/update_teams/:team_id Bulk update access rights for a galleries for a specific team id.
POST /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/review_request Requests approval for the asset from all gallery users which are approvers.
PATCH /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/review_request Updates the approval status of the given asset for the current user.
DELETE /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/review_request Cancels the approval request for the given asset.
POST /api/v1/assets/:asset_id/review_request Forcefully approves the asset, deleting all previous approval requests.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/roles Display all available user roles.
GET /api/v1/roles/:id Display a role.
POST /api/v1/roles Create a new role.
PUT /api/v1/roles/:id Update a role.
DELETE /api/v1/roles/:id Delete a role.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/schedules Display a list of all schedules.
GET /api/v1/schedules/:id Display a schedule.
POST /api/v1/schedules Create a new schedule.
PUT /api/v1/schedules/:id Update a schedule.
DELETE /api/v1/schedules/:id Delete a schedule.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/search Search for assets and projects using a search term (:term).

Select field options

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/select_field_options Display a list of all select field options.
GET /api/v1/select_field_options/:id Display a select field option.
POST /api/v1/select_field_options Create a new select field option.
PUT /api/v1/select_field_options/:id Update a select field option.
DELETE /api/v1/select_field_options/:id Delete a select field option.
GET /api/v1/select_field_options/:id/in_use Checks if the select field option value is used by any asset or project


Resource Description
POST /api/v1/containers/sessions Create a new Session.
PUT /api/v1/containers/sessions/:id Update a Session.
DESTROY /api/v1/containers/sessions/:id Delete a Session.
GET /api/v1/session Display session information about the currently logged in user.
GET /api/v1/session/user_id Returns the current user id
GET /api/v1/containers/sessions Get a list of the current users Sessions.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/settings Display all application settings.
PUT /api/v1/settings Update application settings.
PUT /api/v1/settings/activate_osiris Activates osiris if proper key is supplied.
PUT /api/v1/settings/deactivate_osiris Deactivates osiris.
GET /api/v1/settings/metadata_properties Get all possible metadata properties for the indexer.

Status flags

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/status_flags Display a list of all available status flags.
POST /api/v1/status_flags Create a new status flag.
DELETE /api/v1/status_flags/:id Delete a team.
PUT /api/v1/status_flags/:id Update a status flag.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/subscription/show Subscription info.
GET /api/v1/subscription/options Subscription options.
GET /api/v1/subscription/traffic_consumption Traffic consumption for the current skies subscription month.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/teams Display a list of all teams.
GET /api/v1/teams/user_owned Display a list of all teams owned by the current user.
GET /api/v1/teams/:id Display a team.
POST /api/v1/teams Create a new team.
PUT /api/v1/teams/:id Update a team.
DELETE /api/v1/teams/:id Delete a team.
POST /api/v1/teams/:team_id/users/:user_id Add a user to a team.
DELETE /api/v1/teams/:team_id/users/:user_id Remove a user from a team.
POST /api/v1/users/:user_id/assign_to_all_teams Assign all users to a team.
DELETE /api/v1/users/:user_id/remove_from_all_teams Remove all users from a team.
GET /api/v1/teams/:id/access_rights Return all access rights for the specified team


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/templates Display a list of all templates available in the application.
GET /api/v1/templates/:id Display a template.
POST /api/v1/templates Create a new template.
POST /api/v1/templates/:id/duplicate Create a new copy of an existing template.
PUT /api/v1/templates/:id Update a template.
DELETE /api/v1/templates/:id Delete a template.
GET /api/v1/template_types Display a list of all template types available in the application.


Resource Description
DELETE /api/v1/trash Enqueue the Trash deletion.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/users Display a list of all users.
GET /api/v1/users/:id Display a user.
POST /api/v1/users Create a new user.
PUT /api/v1/users/:id Update a user.
DELETE /api/v1/users/:id Delete a user.
POST /api/v1/users/:user_id/teams/:team_id Add a user to a team.
DELETE /api/v1/users/:user_id/teams/:team_id Remove a user from a team.
POST /api/v1/users/:user_id/assign_to_all_teams Assign a user to all teams.
DELETE /api/v1/users/:user_id/remove_from_all_teams Remove a user from all teams.
GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/settings Retrieve user settings.
PUT /api/v1/users/:user_id/settings Update user settings.
PUT /api/v1/users/:user_id/background Set custom user background.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/version Display versions of the server and all installed plugins.

View farms

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/view_farms Display a list of all view farm render nodes attached to the application.
GET /api/v1/view_farms/:id Display a view farm node.
POST /api/v1/view_farms/:id/start Start a view farm node.
POST /api/v1/view_farms/:id/stop Stop a view farm node.
POST /api/v1/view_farms/:id/restart Restart a view farm node.
PUT /api/v1/view_farms/:id Update the configuration of a view farm node.
POST /api/v1/view_farms/unpause_all Unpauses all ViewFarms.
POST /api/v1/view_farms/pause_all Pauses all ViewFarms.
DELETE /api/v1/view_farms/revoke Detach a view farm node from the application.


Resource Description
GET /api/v1/watermark Get watermark image url.
POST /api/v1/watermark Set a watermark image.